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Posts posted by inmyth

  1. I just opened an account to post on this thread.

    I have just started the quest "A Sinking Feeling" where I'm supposed to find out a heist plot by the Valeras.

    The questline should be : talk to Zili Valera, go to Hole's backroom, eavesdrop the talk between Perza and some thugs about the heist, report back to Ezalli Bardatto.

    At any point during this quest I talk to Valera boss, he always tells me the same thing : that the heist went wrong and a cousin, Belda, was caught.

    This happens even before I talk to Zili, which is weird since the heist shouldn't have started.

    I have the save file for it and I'd appreciate it if the devs would take a look into this issue.

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