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Everything posted by marianojoey

  1. Hi, I'm having a problem with the game. I own the full game on Steam, have about 200 hours of gameplay, but some time ago I had this issue where if I tried to launch the game, it just didn't (no error messages, no blinking screen, nothing, just the game NOT starting). Tried uninstalling and reinstalling a couple times, no go. A couple days ago I decided to try again. I reinstalled the game, and behold, the game works. :D Played a couple days (litterally), and last night, it didn't work anymore. I just finished installing it all over again (after verifying the game cache 5 times, a couple of them deleting a couple of files on purpouse, just to be sure they were redownloading). Nothing. I'm playing on a Linux Mint 18.3, 64bits, obviously, with 16 GB RAM, and a GTX970 Omega. The game ran beatifully at full. Sorry I can't post a log, but the folder "~/.config/unity3d/Obsidian Entertainment/Pillars of Eternity/" doesn't contain one (I have 2 files: prefs and NewsArchive, and a folder "CurrentGame", which is empty...). Again: Pressing the "PLAY" button on Steam does nothing (just shows the "preparing to launch the game..." for less than a second and then nothnig). Any help would be appreciated. Please, forgive any grammatical mistakes I might have had, but English isn't my language.
  2. Hi, I'm having a similar issue. I own the full game on Steam, have about 200 hours of gameplay, but some time ago I had this issue where if I tried to launch the game, it just didn't (no error messages, no blinking screen, nothing, just the game NOT starting). Tried uninstalling and reinstalling a couple times, no go. A couple days ago I decided to try again. I reinstalled the game, and behold, the game works. :D Played a couple days (litterally), and last night, it didn't work anymore. I just finished installing it all over again (after verifying the game cache 5 times, a couple of them deleting a couple of files on purpouse, just to be sure they were redownloading). Nothing. I'm playing on a Linux Mint 18.3, 64bits, obviously, with 16 GB RAM, and a GTX970 Omega. The game ran beatifully at full. Sorry I can't post a log, but the folder "~/.config/unity3d/Obsidian Entertainment/Pillars of Eternity/" doesn't contain one (I have 2 files: prefs and NewsArchive, and a folder "CurrentGame", which is empty...). Again: Pressing the "PLAY" button on Steam does nothing (just shows the "preparing to launch the game..." for less than a second and then nothnig). Any help would be appreciated. Please, forgive any grammatical mistakes I might have had, but English isn't my language.
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