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About olly2007

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  1. 1st exile. i had a male light side character. His name was Zen-Tak Lo. He wields two sabers, on normal viridian saber (with the Zen-Tak Lo crystal), and a short Viridian saber. He wore Matukai adept robes as i liked the way they looked and my favourite colour is green. I made my guy a complete softy getting full lightside points. He was a Jedi Master. 2nd Exile. my second exile was another ligthside jedi but female this time, called Breah Degana. She also had Matukai robes (because i love them). but she wields an Orange lightsaber, paired with a violet short saber. 3rd Exile. My 3rd exile was kool. A Sith called Holon Karr. He would wear Sith master robes with a sith mask. I did not give him lightsabers, he had some extremly done up Vibroswords (which actualy ended up better than most lightsabers), i thought the idea of a metal blade rather than a lightsaber cutting into flesh was much more evil. He was a dark jedi master and
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