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Everything posted by Jeyon

  1. "Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!" by Vador in Ep 3 was probably the worst scene in history period! And we had to sit through 3 very average movies to finally saw that! Anakin as Vador, a moment that we were waiting for, that we imaginated since Ep 1, if more. A moment that should have been memorable! And hell it was, but not for the good reasons. Now, Ep1 was good. (Thank you Liam Nielsen, and well played. Surely he saw what was about to come, that's why he was okay to be the dead hero!) With Ep2, like everyone else I think, I was quite confused when I saw a grown-up Anakin trying to hitting on Padme. They should have made him older in Ep1, or her younger, but since she was already young for a queen! And I won't go back on Ep 3 because it gaves nausea just to think about it! Well, except for one thing, the LIGHTSABERS fights! I mean, first, when I saw Ep2, when Yoda came to save Anakin, everyone in the theatre was like "Nooooo!!!", and good kind of no. the no that expressed the schock, the surprise and the excitement. I think Yoda's fight in Ep2&3 were the best moments of the NT. I also think that GL should have left the actors directing and dialogues writing to real professionals. At least, while he was busy with the NT, he didn't touched KOTOR! That's why KOTOR is going to the best trilogy! I can't even begin to imagine what they would have done to Revan!
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