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About Helar

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    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. 20lvl Hunter has only 7 power lvl. So my question is it bug or this is how it's meant to be?
  2. What’s your build? I’m still a bit away from playing but was planning a gun black jack build, so this is surprising to hear I mean comparing with PoE 1 reload time they are too fast, u get like 2 sec reload time when dual wielding pistol + modal What’s your build? I’m still a bit away from playing but was planning a gun black jack build, so this is surprising to hear I mean comparing with PoE 1 reload time they are too fast, u get like 2 sec reload time when dual wielding pistol + modal You can get 1s reload...but it doesnt work sadly
  3. Yeah, since at possible to reach 1s reload + 0.8s attack. Thankfully it's just pistols bug
  4. Tested on Dragon's Dowry + Blazing Fury. Works as intended, get ~3s time between attacks. But with pistols...kinda hoped for crazy desperado with 1.5s between attacks...meh
  5. Oh, my bad, ranged weapons doesnt have recovery, they have reload. But it doesnt solve problem. First i think it was tooltip bug, Reload time been affected by Recovery time buffs, but then i just tested little more. 1 pistol w/o modal: 0.8s+3.8s, time between attacks - ~4.4+- my reaction, so it's kk. 1 pistol w modal: 0.8s+2.1s, time between attacks - ~3.6+- my reaction, it's not kk.
  6. Hi. I need some help to resolve recovery time "problem". I have noticed some strange things. 1) Pistol Modal: 2.6s recovery speed w/o it, 1.7s with it. That's 1s difference, but in both time there was ~3.5s between chat messages about hits. 2) Next i used Scordeo's Trophy(-15% stacking recovery time buff) Recovery time became 1s. Time between chat messages still ~3.5s. It seems, that around 2.5s recovery time i somekind of cap for ranged weapons. P.S. Melee weapons working fine
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