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About JamesRobbo

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. does anyone know all , or most, or any locations of hidden cache's .. iv only found 1 that was on telos surface :/ so anyone got any ideas?
  2. ok lets cut to the chase.. i need a few things answering or discussed please 1. i have finished nar shaddaar and have chosen jedi master , why cant i train anyone to be jedi? i did it twice before on the xbox but noone seems interested in being a jedi.. 2. i got HK-47 built and i think he is a little crap to be honest.. hes not that good.. plus u cant heal him with the force u gota give him repair kits -.- unless u are bao dur whos remote can fix him but bao dur is crap too .. anyone think differently? 3.dialog... i keep getting random glitches or sumthing where the dialog races thru so i canot see what is being said and it skips to the part where i have to answer.. -.- 4. i hate GO-TO !! 5. there is talk on the ebon hawk about love in the air? lmao any way to get handmaiden to let me ' park up her loading ramp' as the infamous phrase goes ? lol wud be funy to see that lyk 6. finaly a question of allies .. who do you use most in your crusade? i use atton and handmaiden .. tried HK but i dnt like him that much :/ what do u guys think?
  3. u can rebuild hk-47 right? where do you get al the parts from? i have the vocabulator only because iv just started again .. i completed the game twice on xbox and never got all the parts for him :S so just a quick list wud be cool =) thanks alot
  4. i suppose i wil stick to these forums then..thanks for the advice , i do have 1 question tho .. u can rebuild hk-47 right? where do you get al the parts from? i have the vocabulator only because iv just started again .. i completed the game twice on xbox and never got all the parts for him :S so just a quick list wud be cool =) thanks
  5. i want to get a guide for kotor 2 so i do not miss anything and so i can do bonus missions that i am stuck on .. however i can only find an xbox guide in the shops , is there a PC one out there? and im looking for a physical guide like a booklet rather than downloading one from the net thanks
  6. pff orite then , thers always gna be borin bits in games m8 , even tho i dnt like it that much ill still play it , its got tonnes of information about the storyline too..
  7. wel yet another new topic from me , bet you are all sick of me lol but anyway im bored at work so i do forums ... ok bak to the topic whats the quikest you've ever beat the peragus level? i did it in 3 hours last night , i dont know if that is fast or slow b'cos iv never seen or heard anyone talk of how quickly they did it lol so this cud be a first =) and seeing as tho peragus is the most boring lvl i think , i just wanted to be out as quick as possible lol so 3 hours is what u gotta beat =p
  8. come on , dont be affraid to post .. i wont bite
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