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About rociothegreat

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  1. I'm also experiencing this exact same issue, tried your suggestion, but unfortunately still unable to leave the Hall. Might be in part because the game is on my D drive, however if there are any other work arounds I'd be glad to try (mostly since I don't want to revert too far back to avoid entering the Hall of the Unseen). Exact error: PillarsOfEternityII.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module PillarsOfEternityII.exe at 0033:69cda3fd. EDIT: Tried moving around, since it seemed like my characters kept catching on the map. After walking a bit (not on fast) and rearranging my party formation, I was able to exit without the game crashing. It has crashed since then, but it seems like a recurring issue on the latest patch--which I'm happy to wait for overall.
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