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Uthar Wynn 01

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About Uthar Wynn 01

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Now that's what I call a goat...
  2. Lightsabers aren't real. Why all this dicussion on their physics?!
  3. Some people don't seem to understand that "more is not always better". If the extra content is at the same level of quality as the rest of the game, than yes, it would be great. But extra content just for the heck of having more? No thanks.
  4. KotOR gets boring after a third playthrough? Well, no s**t. RPGs usually aren't designed to be interesting after more than 2 playthroughs at most.
  5. Developers hardly ever put out demos for RPGs, and I agree with the policy for the most part.
  6. You would have to be a real jackass to cheat in a role-playing game. I can kind of see cheating in a first-peron shooter, but cheating and bug exploiting in an RPG defeats the entire point. It's just such an incredibly pointless and stupid thing to do that it kind of irritates me. In fact, these forums irritate me. They are full of half-wits will all sorts of suggestions on how to make KotOR II a bad game. There, I'm done with my little rant. *whew*
  7. Nur Ab Sal, are you completely insane?! IF KotOR becomes an "evolving" game it can only get worse... BUt there is no chance they will make any major changes to the original KotOR at this point. Thank god.
  8. I'm all in favor of KotOR sequels, provided they live up to the quality of the original. Obsidian really has their work cut out for them if they hope to provide an experience as good as the original KotOR, and I'm kind of worried. I am especially worried that Obsidian will try to "mainstream" the game and that they will "dumb it down" to appeal to a broader audience. I also hope they don't listen much to most player suggestions. It's a shame that the KotOR III team got canned, but then again, in-house development of KotOR III might not be such a great idea. If they do make a KotOR III, I think the development should either go back to BioWare, or it should go to Obsidian (depending, of course, on how well Obsidian does with KotOR II)
  9. I'm a little worried about KotOR II, to be honest. Hopefully they will not listen too much to these suggestions on the forums in an effort to "give the players what they want". I think if Obsidian uses its best judgement, KotOR II will be fine. If they listen too much to player suggestions though, the game might end up a dissapointment. And it won't be the first time a game was hurt because the company listened too much too suggestions. What do you think?
  10. So what if KotOR 2 was delayed until February? If it's still an awesome game, I don't mind witing a few months. Better than them rushing a buggy, unfinished version to stores to make a simultaneous release. Just stop whining.
  11. Personally, I think Obsidian would be wise to completely ignore all of these suggestions and use their own judgement... That's MY suggestion.
  12. I was loking back throught the posts on this forum and was amazed at how many people reported using 2 long or 2 short sabers... 2 short sabers is a total waste, and you get a penalty for using 2 long sabers. Don't you people realize that the short saber is specifically designed to be used in the off hand when wielding a regular saber in the right hand?
  13. I used dual sabers but if you do make sure to use a "short saber" balanced for dual wielding in the off hand... Its just personal preference... I liked dual wielding because it is the only option that allows you to make use of 4 saber crystals iinstead of 2, and I just think it;s cool
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