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Everything posted by Cryptshadow

  1. Like wise i started a new game with imported save with eder as a mayor but he is still considered to have joined the night market.
  2. a link to my save from the last time i played pillars (forgot to put it) https://www.dropbox.com/s/92sqc7ic9httb6x/940df93ecb1d454abf274027c78b7653%2020261647%20BloodSands.savegame?dl=0 Also a new bug has come up with seige of cragholdt where the quest does not complete https://www.dropbox.com/s/wo1mrxernhmz74d/940df93e-cb1d-454a-bf27-4027c78b7653%20autosave_1.zip?dl=0
  3. i had a similiar problem with the quests saying that exact same thing. what fixed it for me was verifying the integrity of the game files on steam. if you have a gog version im sure u can also do that. Info should be on the faq but right click your game from steam click properties>local files> verify. Im not sure if that will help with the crashes though but i hope it does.
  4. Im trying to complete hiravias story quest but when i go to burial isle and explore the whole area nothing happens with hiravias in my party. CHecked the wiki and no npc named scathden is anywhere to be found leaving me unable to finish this companion quest. DxDiag.txt
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