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Rabid Jedi Bea

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Posts posted by Rabid Jedi Bea

  1. Seriously, these ships were wasted to an even greater extent then the average Sith grunt. Plus, it was never actually shown exactly who was piloting them.


    If one pissant little smuggling ship can routinely blast a whole squadron of these suckers to bits, who in the hell do they find to pilot them?


    They may be controlled remotely from the base/mother ship by kids who have played way too much flight simulators [stretching here]. That would not explain why they always follow the same attack pattern, though. So yeah, inbuilt AI all the way.




    The real question of this thread is who [in their sane mind] would want to build/commission a cardboard model of a ship appearing in a videogame? And for what insidious plan are they going to use it? Is there KOTOR: THE MUSICAL in production somewhere? 'Cause almost a half of Paragon Prop's client list (the makers of this prop, apparently) consists of musicals.



    :rolleyes: again

  2. If we take in Einstein's work, we must believe that it is impossible to go exactly the speed of light, and thusly it would be hard to pass that barrier.  To pass the speed of light, theorhetically there would be a moment where we are at the speed of light.


    Mass and energy are one at the speed of light.

    Some guys from University of Vienna's Institut f

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