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Everything posted by [ro]Spider

  1. It seems the gamed messed up again. The only savings that are abble to load are the AUTOSAVINGS
  2. Guys, I have no mods installed. First time when i encountered this problem i didn't had the updates. So i reinstalled the game and updated to 210427. The thing is i didn't wanted to start all over again so i used the last autosave. Is there any way to solve my problem without starting the game from the begining ? The fact is that i had only one backup - the autosave, because before i made the update the game loaded only that. My saved games or quicksave crashed the game. Could any of you guys send me a saved game from telos academy or after boarding ebon hawk ? I will then modify it with savegame editor
  3. Please forgive my absence. Are you still willing to help ? Here are a few force powers: "burst of speed", "force barrier", "revitalize", "battle meditation". I will follow your advice and i'll ask for help somewhere else
  4. Thank you again! I'm afraid i'm not a modder. T3 doesn't appear not even in the party selection screen
  5. Thank you for replying my topic. What should i do in this case (bugged script) ? I wouldn't want to start the game from the beginning Can i repair this error by replacing any files ? If so, please give me a usefull link
  6. Hi guys, i'm new here and i could really use you're help. On telos, i can't find T3 and because of that after i board Ebon Hawk with Kreia, Atton and Bao Dur the game crashes. I can't use the map, i can't play the hologram, the ship is incomplete and i can't use anything. All of this because i can't find T3 on Telos before aboarding Ebon Hawk. I've found only those 3 guys but there is no trace of T3. My question is: where should i search ? Note that not even on Perragus T3 wasn't to be found but he appeared onboard after leaving Perragus. That's the last time i see him. Please don't kill me for asking you're help. I will be indebted for any help i can get.
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