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Darth Banthon

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Everything posted by Darth Banthon

  1. What is atton's backstory? I dont know if I got the whole story when I was playing but I didn't find it that interesting? Can somebody please tell me it?
  2. I thought they put a lvl cap limit for 30? I have only gotten to lvl 28 with my chars in two times playin.
  3. to get that dialogue option about what changed her u have to complete Dxun the second time. I had them go to the tomb but I dont know if it matters. Also thanks for the help.
  4. I have no idea how you gain influence on them either. Most of the time I try every dialogue option there is and nothing will happen. You have to use them in the right time and do the right thing when you have no idea when that time is or what you need to do. This part of the game is very frustrating.
  5. Who can you train in the force? From what I gathered you can train Handmaiden, Atton,Mira, and the disciple guy. Is there anybody else?
  6. How do you know your influence over a certain character?
  7. I have beat this game once with lightside male and am in the middle with a dark side male. I have only seen 2 cameos Bastilla in the hidden tomb and Carth at the end of Telos. Has anybody else seen any and where?
  8. If you have the money to spare then go to the entertainment area and talk to the chipmunk guy when you first enter. You should have the option of making the exchange interested in you ( either good or bad ) for 2000 credits.
  9. I already said all of this on the last page
  10. I picked no because they won't make a Kotor 3 but a kotNR. It has been said in an interview that obsidian proposed the idea to lucasarts.I don't know who said it or if it's is 100% true but it was in an interview with an obsidian employee.
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