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About freedonkicksnadds

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  1. Thanks so much for your reply Tanja! I was holding off on that as a last resort but i guess i will try that now. I will let you know if that works.
  2. Hi guys. I have been playing SWKOTOR2 TSLRCM with party swap mod and i have gotten to telos academy second visit. What happens is when i enter the academy i am handmaiden and talk to atris like i am the exile. then i battle and atris says enough the cut scene happens where exile comes in talks to atris and atris seems to kill handmaiden. then atris runs away and i have to run after her and talk to her. However when i go to enter conversation with her dialogue does not start. I run around a bit see if i can click on atris or trigger the convo that way nothing happens and i can no longer continue with game. I have looked online alot. I have always found an answer online i have played this game many times over the years and have much experience fixing problems but i am at a dead end with this one. I have tried to uninstall party swap but that just completely breaks the game and have to start from a very early save game. thank you so much for your reply's in advance.
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