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Everything posted by Arcain

  1. BGII greatest game ever! Story 10. Music 10. Character development 10. Non-linear story line events 10. Replayability 7. graphics 5. that should show RPG most important elements to me!
  2. could you at least give us hints to the setting of your new project? scifi fantasy? medevil fantasy? oriental fantasy? somekind of bread crumbs would be nice!
  3. I'm about to graduate this summer in CS and over the past four years I have learned D3D, OpenGL, Win32, C++ outside of my school! My CS program was designed around java and theory, not application. So don't go to school thinking that you'll pck up everything you may need! P.S. the programming part in school stopped at a binary-tree, needless to say when I asked a professor for help on a fibanocci heap, he ran!
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