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Everything posted by LotsOfGroats

  1. Hi ! I registered just so I could report a bug that I couldn't find any information on. As far as I know, I am a pioneer, and I've found a precious tract of uncharted land. Basically, my party has been permanently dominated, is my hypothesis. It first occured in level 11 of the Endless Paths. After I'd just finished fighting the giant dank spore, I noticed my main character was still outlined in red. Hovering over her would cause the cursor to take the shape of a sword, indicating she was an enemy. She would engage in melee, and be engaged by, my other party members, and they would even auto-attack her if she moved. I descended to level 12, and suddenly, the whole party was like this. I quit and reloaded, and they were back to green. On that floor, the 12th, there are Vithrack sentries. When I encountered them, I would get a dialog box indicating they were turning hostile, but they did not, in fact, turn hostile, and combat didn't start. At first, I dismissed it as a writing error. Much later, I quicksaved at a point where we were all green, and I ascended back to the stronghold proper, and my party turned red again. I tried doing the battle of Yenwood like this, and it would create all sorts of interferences, and my own hirelings would attack me. If, on the contrary, I went back to my green save and chose level 1 from the master staircase, I would stay green. Encountering the Leaden Key assassins there, they would also fail to turn hostile and attack. If I descended back there after turning red, they would also turn red, but also fail to initiate combat, or do anything, really. Attacking one of them did not cause the rest to attack. Spells that affect only enemies did not affect them. This is game-breaking for me, and I'm certain will affect every other encounter where neutral characters turn hostile and attack, although things that start out hostile work properly. I have tried a few things, such as travelling around, taking other routes out of the Endless Paths, quitting and reloading, loading another character then back to this one...nothing fixes it. I don't know how to reproduce it, honestly. All I did was take a party with a monk main character to a giant dank spore, and there it was. Attached are screenshots, output log, save files (which I hope are the right ones, they're not labelled !) and specs. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/kj7w4o900o968t2/Filez.rar?dl=0 Please, save me.
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