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JC Denton

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Everything posted by JC Denton

  1. I know that you have to copy the link location, the thread stated that at the very top when I first clicked it. It still didn't work, but it's not a problem I guess, I'll wait.
  2. Thanks. Sorry for not finding that earlier. EDIT: It just gives me a "not found on this server" error Oh well, I'll wait for them to find new servers I suppose.
  3. And they made a very big deal of that being unusual. Being on the council makes on a master, save for that one case.
  4. I'd prefer Revan, simply because I've grown attached to him and I find him more interesting than Exile or any of the possibilities for a new character that I've seen/thought of.
  5. Single red saber, Dooku style.
  6. Is there anywhere else that I can download this stuff? As you already know, the website is down, and I'd really like to try some of this stuff out rather than playing through the same incomplete version again.
  7. Yes, but force storm and manipulation is almost required for a sith lord, and that soul transfer thing wasn't at all helpful. I think Palpatine gets way to much credit, to me, he's just an old man who took advantage of a corrupt government. Sadow and company started from scratch, and still lasted longer (I think) then he did once there was rebellion (or in thier case, a republic response).
  8. I agree, but they've all done things that put the Sith Lords we've seen in the movies, especially Palpatine, to shame.
  9. Exar Kun, Naga Sadow, Marko Ragnos, those guys are ALL more powerful than Palpatine, or any skywalker.
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