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Posts posted by Nyarlathotep

  1. Hey, so i always roll a sorc. If i can its kinda my thing. I was pretty dismayed to see how its a hybrid class, i wanted a BG style wizard subclass basically. So i went with a wizard instead for 10 hours.


    For some reason i was really unsatisfyed. It was a little boring doing the exact same spell combo as PoE WM, and i wasnt doing too well over all. So i started a new game as a Sorc.


    Boy was i wrong. The sorc is SO good. He buffs. He heals. He drops damage like a BOSS. I blew up four Xaurip skirmishers at lvl 2 with a talon slash and gunned down the rest with magic missles. I went toe to toe with a enemy spell caster (noob thought he was lit), so i turned into a wolf and tore his throat out. Then i turned back and dropped healing like a boss over my party. Between him and the cipher paladin (Inquisitor check her out shes SO strong) my priest only drops blessings and buffs lately.


    I cant wait to start using my tentacles and confuse. Being a damage/summoner/crowd control was OP already, now i can buff con. and heal and summon. Got a frickin arsenal of druid and mage spellswhich draw from seperate spell pools per level cast. Seriously sorc. makes me never wanna go back to wizard. Though i might make a wiz hireling just so i can test out those cool looking 9th level spells.


    So might be abummer that i miss out on those 8 & 9th level spells. But i suspect i wont really care since hes gonna be so strong at that level anyways. Only level 7 now but hes wayyy better than my wiz at that same level. But in WM i mostly layed down tentacles confuse and fireball. I will miss the Rainbow wall 8th level that thing was crazy strong.

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