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Posts posted by Mangamina

  1. I concur, NO STYLE.  I would say "unless you're planning some melee once and a while," but why?  Yes your party make-up might dictate the need for the wizard to join the fray up front but to me you're not using the wizard to the best of his/her abilities if you're doing that.  There are spells to disperse attackers up close too, so really no need imho.  Heavy armor slows down the attack speed and you want your wizard to cast as quickly as possible.  If your wizard is under melee attack a lot then you're not putting him/her in the right position in your party formation and after the battle starts.  


    If anything, choose "Dangerous Implement" which is not a style but a talent.  If gives your wand or rod or scepter extra damage if you use it.  I rarely used Aloth for anything but casting spells, he had a rod which was bound to him but never max'ed it because he was always casting.

  2. One week to go for DOS2 on consoles, I guess they did mean it when they said August 31st, seems like a LOT of game to shoe-horn into a PS4.  However it's got about a year of PC "beta" testing  :bow:  since it was released for that on September 14th, 2017.  Thank you again Kickstarter contributors for that game too.  


    JUST FINISHED THE GAME on the PS4, loved it, it's one of the best games I've ever played.  2 more days for DOS2!  


    UPDATE 01SEP18:  This is my swan song for PoE1:  THAT'S ALL FOLKS!  Moving on to the DOS2 boards now and Deadfire this holiday season; therefore my last post on this board. Bye bye, some great contributors here (and the occasional troll but that's to be expected).



    Tried Pillars on PS4, I'm playing on PC now in a PotD run with companions.


    Companions on PotD: Companions can handle PotD difficulty just fine, but you do want to put some thought into how you're building out your party for synergies. I'd say at least one tanky character, one back up tanky character, 1 or 2 for Crowd Control, and some good damage output, both single target and AoE. There's enough characters to fill this out nicely. Using choke points or single pulling (peeling off) monsters is highly recommended. Even so be prepared for some unexpectedly hard fights.


    PS4 vs PC: Honestly PC version is way better here. The PS4 version is good, and they really did a good job on the controls for the most part. But using the inventory is tedious because it involves a virtual mouse. Also the PS4 version has some bugs the PC version doesn't, is behind on content updates, and seems to be no longer supported in favor of the upcoming Deadfire PS4 release.


    Just curious, what bugs are those that you mention above?  I haven't heard anything about that anywhere else.  Also note that the Deadfire Pack never really worked right on the PC, several problems with items, these problems are discussed at length in other threads.  Therefore deemed not worthwhile by many so they probably decided not to infect the console versions with it.


    I'm playing on the PS4 as I have no desire to hunch over a keyboard/mouse only to peer at my tiny party on a small screen.  The game is absolutely beautiful on the PS4 with a 60" Bravia monitor.  The inventory manipulations on the PS4 are not tedious at all to me, but as a PS4 savant I'm very proficient with the controls. :yes:   I'm halfway through Act III planning to end the game at the same time DOS2 is released on consoles at the end of August.  Then by the time I get done with DOS2 this holiday season, the console Deadfire will be released.


    Various things, some minor and some bigger. Like in the first cutscene in Gilded Vale there are 3 bells that are supposed to ring that do not play. So when I played it on PS4 the npcs are talking about bell rings that you never hear. The load times are a much bigger issue that the PC doesn't have.


    The Deafire bugs and balance issues have all be fixed on PC pretty much. Also there were some balance changes to the base game that the PS4 version doesn't have. So there's no good reason I can see not to give console players the final game patch.



    I'm near the end game having done 95% of the quests on the PS4 with no problems with the application (I heard the bells so...).  The problems I have are SYSTEM problems, crashes periodically now when it saves during travelling between areas.  I always save just before travelling now.  This happened to me with DOS1 near the end of that game too, these old style RPGs get bloated on the consoles as you progress in the game. PCs can handle the growth because they have unlimited storage. I'm really surprised these products were not system-tested better on the consoles, the applications are fine.

  4. I would not call it a bug.  I'm playing on the PS4, I'm nearing the end of the game and it crashes for me too but not enough to call it a game breaking bug.  I have been able to complete every quest so far (and I've done 95% of them, I'm near the end game).  This is a system issue and a verification and validation (V&V) issue. This means Paradox did not thoroughly SYSTEM test the game on the PS4 before releasing it. The game program itself is very solid. A game bug would be if you were in the middle of a quest or a battle and the game crashes then and you could never complete that quest or main quest. The crashes only occur for me during saves when going between areas, never during a quest or battle.  I always save just before travelling, it's saved me so many times.  


    UPDATE 29AUG18:  JUST COMPLETED THE GAME ON THE PS4!  The credits are rolling on my screen now.  Bring on DOS2 now, I'll have to wait until Friday even though Amazon has already shipped it, weird.

  5. It was an acknowledgement of a well-crafted (well-spoken?) troll-tamping comment.

    (Perhaps I could / should have chosen a more obviously "Right On !" imogi.

    My apology dreamrider, I get a little testy when it comes to trollism.  In no way am I implying you have. Quite the opposite, you have written some of the most helpful posts on this board.  However, this board seems to get very light traffic lately.  I'm sure it's because most of the community is now playing Deadfire, and I have to wait til Christmas to get my PS4 version waaa! waaa! waaa!  It's OK though, DOS2 is coming out in 2 weeks for the consoles.

  6. @ Mangamina:   :getlost:


    What's THAT supposed to mean? There's so many games to choose from these days, to waste time on a poo-poo thread like this, someone needs to get a doggy-bag and clean up the mess on my yard.  Pure trollism.  The OP created his handle for this one post, very peculiar (troll-check-off #1).  Another peculiarity, doesn't come back to comment on replies (troll-check-off #2).  Makes statements like this:  "Mages seem to be very...unfun I guess would be the word. You have some great spells but you have to hold on to them in case some big fight happens, so they end up shooting their staffs 90% of the time. I'm fine with advanced spells having this restriction but basic spells? Cast 4 missiles and you are out of magic?  This is troll-check-off #3, almost laughable.

  7. Tried Pillars on PS4, I'm playing on PC now in a PotD run with companions.


    Companions on PotD: Companions can handle PotD difficulty just fine, but you do want to put some thought into how you're building out your party for synergies. I'd say at least one tanky character, one back up tanky character, 1 or 2 for Crowd Control, and some good damage output, both single target and AoE. There's enough characters to fill this out nicely. Using choke points or single pulling (peeling off) monsters is highly recommended. Even so be prepared for some unexpectedly hard fights.


    PS4 vs PC: Honestly PC version is way better here. The PS4 version is good, and they really did a good job on the controls for the most part. But using the inventory is tedious because it involves a virtual mouse. Also the PS4 version has some bugs the PC version doesn't, is behind on content updates, and seems to be no longer supported in favor of the upcoming Deadfire PS4 release.


    Just curious, what bugs are those that you mention above?  I haven't heard anything about that anywhere else.  Also note that the Deadfire Pack never really worked right on the PC, several problems with items, these problems are discussed at length in other threads.  Therefore deemed not worthwhile by many so they probably decided not to infect the console versions with it.


    I'm playing on the PS4 as I have no desire to hunch over a keyboard/mouse only to peer at my tiny party on a small screen.  The game is absolutely beautiful on the PS4 with a 60" Bravia monitor.  The inventory manipulations on the PS4 are not tedious at all to me, but as a PS4 savant I'm very proficient with the controls. :yes:   I'm halfway through Act III planning to end the game at the same time DOS2 is released on consoles at the end of August.  Then by the time I get done with DOS2 this holiday season, the console Deadfire will be released.

  8. Three of the companions return in PoE2, and your choices in the first game carry over to the second one and is brought up in conversations (and certain choices regarding PoE1 companions may lead to certain PoE2 companions leaving the party) . Other than that, not that I can think of 


    Thanks for this answer so I'm glad I explored this avenue of the game. I'm in act iii and trying to do each companion quest including DLCs.  It is one dimension of the game you can explore if you choose, or ignore? If you ignore then you DO lose out on some things in Deadfire according to fgalkin.  Another approach is the adventure pursuit you receive from your stronghold, I suggest exploring those too for extra loot and xp.  Do any of these affect Deadfire?

    • Like 1
  9. I have a big problem with the food mechanic from a roleplaying perspective. "Hey, it looks like there's terrible danger around this next corner - let's gobble down a piece of pie and and a chicken leg each before we proceed." 


    Magic potions I get. Eating a snack or a meal before each encounter on an adventure, I don't get at all. I think that's just kind of silly.


    You use potions DURING a battle, food is consumed BEFORE a battle.  I actually like the way they worked in food to the game.  Other games could never quite know what to do with food, with PoE it makes sense to me that you would camp (get rest) and eat (get replenishment) before a battle.  They could have worked in food to the camping process because that's when people normally eat, but anytime before a battle works for me.   You have to plan ahead, think about who eats what and who your opponents are.



    I understand that part, I'm just not sure WHAT to eat WHEN.  Like, I have a Duc's Own Beefloaf, a Farmer's Spread and a Pearlwood Chicken that have just been sitting in my Stash since Gilded Vale because I keep forgetting to eat them before a fight and then when I'm not in one I want to save them for something difficult, but then forget again.


    Figure that out for your party, you've got ALL the information you need in this thread.  If you're forgetting:  there's no solution anybody can give here for that.


    Thank you.  I didn't realize someone had posted a list in here!



    I was thinking maybe you were forgetting because you're probably too good and really don't need to gobble food down before a battle. 8)


    Blacsonn may have its uses, since it is one of the few consumables that buffs PER, and it buffs a lot.  Hard to predict the usefulness of the +25 vs Ground.  The simultaneous -2 Dex is not too bad for many characters.  The Crash is pretty bad though, so be prepared to either get to a Rest, or dose again. 

    (+3 PER, -2 DEX, +25 Def vs Ground spells, 600s.  Crash = -2 DEX, -3 MIG, 50 Fatigue)




    The description of Blacsonn says "+25 Defense against Ground attacks for 600 sec" so I took that to mean melee attacks.  However you said "Ground spells," what exactly does "ground attacks" mean?

  12. I understand that part, I'm just not sure WHAT to eat WHEN.  Like, I have a Duc's Own Beefloaf, a Farmer's Spread and a Pearlwood Chicken that have just been sitting in my Stash since Gilded Vale because I keep forgetting to eat them before a fight and then when I'm not in one I want to save them for something difficult, but then forget again.


    Figure that out for your party, you've got ALL the information you need in this thread.  If you're forgetting:  there's no solution anybody can give here for that.

    • Like 1
  13. Honestly, I'm not certain what to do with the food I've got.  I am making meals when I can, but I tend to have too many of one ingredient and too few of another.  What ARE the best meals to have on hand anyway?


    This all depends on you party make-up and what you want to do with them.  Plus I do a little role-playing given that people in real life have their own food preferences too.  I have a little cheat sheet that shows what I feed each character before battle, here's an example:  


    Jinxton Causeway (my Ranger PC):  Pearlwood Chicken,  Casita Casserole, Rauatai Sweet Pie  

    Aloth:  Pearlwood Chicken, Casita Casserole  

    Guallentia (rogue hireling):  Farmer's Spread, Darkest Rauatai Cookies  

    Durance:  his favorite is Stalwart Rabbit Stew, Rauatai Sweet Pie, Wyrthoneg  

    Grieving Mother:  Pearlwood Chicken and she likes the jerky Speckleback Jerky, Wit Dir Jerky  

    Maneha:  Darkest Rauatai Cookies, Rauatai Sweet Pie, Farmer's Spread, Blacsonn  


    There are some collisions but overall, with rest at Cad Nua (I use the Forum rest for +3 Intelligence) and a camp rest (DR II):  This makes a pretty powerful party when all fed and rested!  Use your own combinations and have fun doing what's best for your party with food, there's so many different combinations you can try.

    • Like 1
  14. I'm playing on the PS4, you can pick up and drag food but not over character picture to consume it.  Instead use green triangle on food and it gives you 4 choices:  Examine, Use, Split, Destroy.  Simply select "Use" for that character and you may "Use" as many food items as you want as long as there's no collisions of attributes otherwise the lesser one will be suppressed.  Note that attributes from food stack with any attributes you're getting from equipment and weapons.

    • Like 1
  15. Good to see this old thread dragged out of the "archives."  For those struggling to win the important battles in this game, they may have overlooked food to tweak their players' stats which can make all the difference.  My answer is YES I use food a lot, especially before the tough battles.  Contributor dreamrider gives the best info in this thread on how to use it, not just the post directly above on this page but also near the very beginning of the thread on page one, dated 11 July 2015 - 03:57 PM.

  16. Load times schload times who gives a...  You learn to manage around it (while it's loading there has got to be something you can do).  The worst game for load times was Oblivion in addition to all of the Elder Scroll games (Skyrim too).  Long load times is a good indicator me which is they're loading a LOT of stuff and the game is immensely rich and complicated, not for people without patience.

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