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About Kilthan

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  1. Man, i had to make an account just to reply to the Arcanum hate. I wonder if some of you ever played Wizardry VII. There was a kick-in-the-pants challenge. Yeah, the game is unbalanced, but that's half the fun. I am, at this moment, playing through as a half-orc Idiot Savant named Mervin. The only reason he didn't die in the starter area is because the Kite Shaman's chest contained some nice magic platemail. He can gamble and melt faces with harm (eventually Disintegrate). But by Nasrudin, he dies fast and everyone is a jerk to him. except for Dog. Dog is friend. Dog is whirling dervish of death. The soundtrack is amazing. It hits upon the right sort of music for the setting. The half-ogre quest line is awesomely frustrating. evil gnomes need to be squished. yeah, a lot of stuff is broken. But its fun despite brokenness, sometimes because of it. And anyone that claims the characters are flat and lifeless must have been playing a different game. Gar alone makes the game worth playing. And a play through with the idiot dialog has been consistently hilarious. I personally like the graphics. But i'd prefer companies to spend less time on graphics and more on game play. I'd love to see Obsidian get the rights to the IP, or to make a spiritual successor. Either way would be great.
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