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Everything posted by Kaptinskaggy

  1. I've encountering what seems to be a bug stopping me from being able to continue with the VTC quest chain, unless I have missed something. I was given the quests "Dirty Laundry" - investigate the bathhouse - and "Terms of Trade" - investigate Poko Kahara - one after the other. I did Dirty Laundry first, and was then given "Of Like Minds." I then finished Terms of Trade, at which point I was sent up to Director Castol again as if we had never met. He went through all the dialogue leading up to Dirty Laundry again but I wasn't given the quest, presumably because I had already finished it. I was a little concerned but kept going because I figured it was just a dialogue bug. I finished Of Like Minds and returned to Director Castol, and he was a little put out by the fact that I killed all the slavers, but he then said that we had more important things to do, or something along those lines. At this point, it seems like he should have given me another quest, but the only dialogue options I have are "About the bathhouse job...," which leads to a dead end, and "I have some questions for you," which is just lore. My rep with the Vailians is still really high so I can only assume that there's some bug stopping quest progression. Out of an interest in covering my bases, I went back to the bathhouse just to see and confirmed that I cannot redo "Dirty Laundry." There's obviously a bug here with the repeating dialogue, but it also seems to have completely halted my ability to progress forward with the VTC questline. The only quests I currently have with them are a bounty and the quest to wait for the animancers to contact me again. Have I just missed whatever I am supposed to do? I've uploaded the savefile here, since there's a bug with the dialogue at the very least: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cd3jkxq27rsfqor/Naira%20%28VailianTradingCompanyHeadquarters%29%20%283439e8c7-90af-430f-87fa-72fc8ef22e73%29%20%28773564440%29.savegame?dl=0
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