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About Memphis12

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. Hi guys. This game could be breaking into my top 5 games of all time. There’s only one problem. The “save bug”. Since I completed WM1 the game has crashed every 1/3 times of saving. I’m playing on the hardest difficulty so when I beat dragons or another formidable foe, feel great, only for the game to crash. Well, it’s disheartening to say the least. I only have the WM2 to do, I’ve literally done everything this game has to offer. I love it that much. But everytime I save now, I cringe and hold my breath. Then blue screen error and it crashes. I’ve never known a PS4 game to crash on save :/ Please tell me there’s a way to fix this or a future fix as it’s making me want to either skip the WM2 or smash my PS4. I’m using PS4 pro if that helps. Thanks.
  2. Thanks for the tips guys. Some of the gear you have suggested is late game or in the expansion. So, for what now with the party I have, what are the stats I should be looking for in gear along the way. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hey guys. I’m playing on POD difficulty. My main char is a Paladin tank. I want to use companions that are from the world, not the ones you make yourself. My party is as follows: Myself (Paladin) tank Aloth Durance Sagani Grieving Mother Hiravias I’m currently level 8, but now I have access to quite a lot of different gear in Defiance Bay I’m wondering what gear I should be after. What gear, weapons, accessory, armour etc should I be using on each char? As I don’t know what are the priority stats on each char :/ If anyone can do an easy build guide for each of my party, that would be great. Thanks in advance.
  4. I must have skipped Defiance Bay as I’m at a village that is plagued by an ogre .. the enemies around here are savage and it’s taking me ages to kill them. Maybe I’ve gone the wrong way ^^
  5. Hi guys. I played this game (PS4) when it was first released, but then I stupidly and regrettably bought Destiny 2 and moved onto that to get my platinum. I have that now, so back to this amazing game. I'm only level 6, play on POD difficulty and I'm doing ok. I prefer to use the story companions, my main is a paladin "tank". I'm wondering if people could give me some advice on what to put points to in everything ^^ my main, including what points to put into survival etc as I'll respect all chars if I have to. My favourite chars are Eder, Durance and Aloth. Is it worth using Eder as an off tank? Or should I use Sagani and use her pet as off tank? I also can't find a "war bow" anywhere :/ Should I be crafting and using potions and food more as I have to admit I don't do that. I also don't do anything "crafting wise" with my weapons and armour either as I worry I'll find something better and will have waisted all my materials .. or are these materials common? So basically, a good (story companion) party around my paladin. Builds for all party members, what to craft etc and some general advice. I know this is asking a lot, but I love this game.. but I've just started a new job that requires more of my time. If I could get some of this info sorted I'd be more relaxed and can get back into this game. Thanks in advance guys.
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