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Jedi Master L-5-R

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Posts posted by Jedi Master L-5-R

  1. Good ideas all.


    I think it was mentioned saber lighting would take an incredible amount of graphics work which simply isn't worth it. 


    If I remember right from the movies, the clothes were flowing alot more.  I'm not sure if the wind was influencing them though...


    About characters looking at you: I'm no programmer or at all knowledgable on these subjects, but that too I would think would take extremely long to do it.


    I think there is alot more with swoop racing that's goint to happen.  I don't remember if a tournament was mentioned, but I think so.

    actually the lighting doesnt really take much coding if you look closely when your characters like canderous shoot with their blasters the create lighting on the ground but i would just like to see that when your running arond and you press y and your lightsaber activates and jedi kight2 jedi outcast has that and for the heads moving around it doesnt take any coding at all. If u ever have the chance to use gmax or anim8tor you'll know what i'm talking about but if you want me to explain it to you i can but i want to know if your even interested before i start typing nad for the clothes i thought i would be cool like as your running a small gust of win blows up some dirt your jedi cape flows to a direction some thing like that the wind might involve programming but not the cape

    Your right It would be simple to make poeple look you in the eye when they talk to you. Hint.Hint


    Also Id like to see holsters( or sheaths for the vibro swords. You shoulden't be able to run through town waving weapons ( and I know this has bein descused before but I didn't get my say so there). It Would be cool if pistoleers could develop quickdraw skills and be gunslingert with the fastes hands in the galaxie. ;)

  2. AHHH another already done topic... Next time please search for the long thread with more information than can possibly be given here.


    Anyway, they said it would be incredibly difficulty graphics wise to make lightsabers give off light past a certain range.

    The Xbox Dosn't have The raw power of the PC, So I'm Hopin they put Lightsaber lighting in the PC version regardliss if they do for xbox of not. ;)

  3. Hey I think The Sith Lords should have many saber options.


    Like lots of saber hilts ( It would be cool if you couold custom make yor own)


    And also I think the saber building and gems/cyristals system in KOTOR 1 was kinda lame. If you read Star Wars books ( Like Ijedi, great book. If you havn't read it do so) Building a lightsaber isn't a 5 minute affar and the light saber's color is determined by the final, or the combined colors of the cyristal in the hilt( up two three in a duel stage saber ;) ). Not by a color cystal then two power gems, lame.



    Tell me what you think about all this :lol:

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