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Posts posted by Tesla33

  1. Dear all


    thank you so much for all the replies, that's very helpful. I forgot some key info, of course. I'm planning to start on "Hard" difficulty because despite my problem getting a grip on PoE I have played most every notable RPG since ..uh.. many years. (Except Skyrim, and just because I hated the inventory screen). If I can't do hard I know I'm doing something fundamentally wrong and I rather restart after 2 hours than 2 weeks.


    I realise that a lot of info is outdated with patch 2.0 (haven't been able to figure out if there were massive changes in 3.0, I guess not that much) but even the info past 2.0 is sometimes somewhat.. contradictory :D For example I still don't know if INT for a ranged rogue is important, meh or negligible.


    But @rheingold raised a good point. During my first run I'd definitely like to have the reasonable maximum on dialog potential. 

  2. Hi and hello everybody,


    I just got my hands on PoE and for my first play-through I'd like to play one of the non-companion classes, preferably a monk or better even a ranged rogue (I have read - among a lot of other stuff - that they are better rangers than rangers).


    But here is my problem: Despite the incredible amounts of guides and info it is really REALLY difficult to figure out basic, vanilla recommendations for character builds (but that may be my fault. I'm not the brightest tool in the shed). Most advise is either for melee rogues, min/max or special builds.


    Could somebody please help me set up a reasonably fun to play ranged rogue that is not min/maxed, isn't built around a single weapon or equipment and doesn't require a lot of micro-management? Please? With sugar on top?




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