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About lokeegaming

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    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Well, duh, that's because you indeed lack damage - As you noted you use chanters for cc, and even if you'd want them to deal damage, it's mostly possible only after level 9 (via DragonTrashed and SevenNights). - Fighters are mediocre at dps (until they get Charge at lvl 13, and start rushing with dual sabres). - Durance can deal decent damage via stacking Shinning Beacons in harder and boss fights. But Beacons are per-rest. - Your main dps'er could be Aloth if you build him via Blast, Penetrating Blast, Golden Gaze / Kalakoth's Minor Blights. Although 12 might is not that stellar. Plus your party (aside from knockdowns) lacks cc-on-demand. What will you do if shades will teleport to your backline while frontline is already engaged? The main point-forte you have is sturdiness. But if you kill stuff twice as slow, enemy mobs have twice time to bash your party, leading to twice as much resting. Few variants: swap your melee chanter and fighter, for a melee GM and Barbarian. This will provide cc when you need it, plus will speed-up trash clearing.Or try: frontline: mc_chanter (offtank/dot dps), monk, Hiravias (offtank, cc/dps) midline: Durance (offtank buffer; plate armor in small fights; hide armor + daom in boss fights) backline: Aloth (sup-dps), cipher (custom, dps) huh...curious about this particular setup: frontline: mc_chanter (offtank/dot dps), monk, Hiravias (offtank, cc/dps) midline: Durance (offtank buffer; plate armor in small fights; hide armor + daom in boss fights) backline: Aloth (sup-dps), cipher (custom, dps) is this okay on PoTD Caed Nua fight?? i mean is it common to not have main/dedicated tank in a party? or the monk supposed to be the main tank? i've never tried monk though..only paladin, fighter and barbarian for tank spec but i've had my eyes on this http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91276-class-build-the-anvil-the-most-tough-monk-around/ build
  2. aaah sorry about that, here goes: 1. MC Chanter: off-tank/CC - lvl 4 18/10/16/10/18/8 invoc - but reny | if their bones | the thunder rolled. talents - ancient memory | beloved spirit chants - sweet winds if death 3x 2. Fighter: tank - lvl 4 20/11/10/14/14/10 Constant rec + r. rec Disc barrage Knock down + b knockdown the rest is pre-built NPC 3. Durance - lvl 4 - pre-built stats Interdiciton + Painful interdiction 4. Aloth - lvl 4 - pre-built stats - chill fog - corrosive siphon - blackened sight - fetid caress 5. Eder - lvl 4 - pre-built stats - same with my custom fighter tank 6. Kana - lvl 4 - pre-built stats - same with my MC was thinking that i was wrong to mix cc with dd spells for Aloth. i have one more Cipher that was dismissed in favor for Kana's CC and summon. i usually start with my MC to pull the aggro, and put my 2 tanks first upfront, then if the situation is good, i'll switch to melee. summon 2 phantom while aloth casts either cc/dd spells, durance cast protection and other buffs as well. pretty effective for me, but i feel lacking in firepower ooh and btw, with spellcasters in my party does this mean i will use camping supplies or go back to the inn often?? you know, since their spells only refreshed after resting and i don't know how to manage it better, since on PoTD i feel like i need to go all out..sometimes even on trash mobs hahahahaa
  3. hey guys, i've been trying few builds in the early game (only after Caed Nua). so far my current favorite party composition for my PoTD run: 1. Chanter; offtank/cc - MC (previously Cipher) 2. Eder; tank - NPC 3. Fighter'; tank - custom 4. Durance; priest - NPC 5. Aloth; DD/CC- NPC 6. Chanter; CC - custom so far my latest run with this composition has been quite smooth, but when i reached Caed Nua, i feel like that the bunch lacks firepower...like a LOT... i don't know if it's because i'm on PoTD or there's something i can tweak either classes or abilities/talents.... any advice on my current party members? what to improve or experiment?? btw, my tank is not a pure tank, instead i put several points just enough to have a bit of an oomph..and the only min-max char is my ranged Chanter
  4. ooh damn! turns out boars are though..i thought it was just me stupid at controlling my party hahahaha takes me couples of reload to get thru it without having anyone downed
  5. yeah i tend to forgot there's that thing hahaha i usually put my tanks againts the wall/trees or any viable environment if there's no choke point available and put my range character further away and cipher at the opposite of tanks to spam anti-field. so far it's good that mobs can't flank them. only things left is to get more gear to soak damage even further priest buff tends to draw mobs attention and i really need to be more vigilant on when to use it
  6. still figuring out how to properly use their spells..it feels like a chore when its spent and either use camp or look for an in hahaha and i still need to learn how to properly position my frontliners. just getting wrecked by pack of boars at Magran Fork. mobs always erratically circling the engagement zone, dragging my anti field eats up my team guess i need to try heavy armor for them and see how it fares..still level 2/3 though
  7. awesome!! my current party consist of: 1. MC DD/CC cipher 2. Aloth 3. Eder 4. Custom Fighter - balanced 5. Custom Barb - damage/off tank 6. Durance was thinking swapping Aloth for a rouge melee or range ranger at a cost of a nuker
  8. aye 3.06 just fiinshed reinstalling the game and it's fixed..horaay for me XD aaaandd...reroll again with w.elf hahahahaha
  9. aye sir.. i was outside of bow range at the time, which leads my MC to step forward to reach max range of weapon..shoot then miss.. tested again on whelp skuldr the same thing happens like with bandit..no acc bonus from w.elf oh well..guess it's a bug?? i'm rerolling with human this time and will use more CC for pre fight
  10. That's basically 18/3/18/18/18/3.Btw, unless you really want to max Disintegration damage, 18/7/18/16/16/3 might be a bit more comfortable to play with, as you risk less being one-shot with stuff like Talons' Reach, Ooze Spit, Icycle Storm (or w/e that frost blast is called), and so on. It depends on enemy DR, but for majority of cases a non-reloading weapon with provide a higher steady-dps over prolonged fight. As for misses: it depends. On lvl 3 you have 25 + 3x3 + ~6(from per) + 5(wood elf) = 42 acc While enemies can have for reference (on PotD): - 38 Def - Xaurip (DR: 4) - 49 Def - Xaurip Skirmisher (DR: 7) - 63 Def - Ogre (DR: 10) - 76 Def - Shade (DR: 16; Burn: 8 ) The idea is to throw Aspirant's Mark for instance, quickly build focus, and follow up with Painful Interdiction into Mental Binding/AoE Blind. It's ok to miss early with auto-attacks, but it's preferable to make sure your cc effect do land. It's not exactly how aggro works) You might want to check this post. hmmm getting 2 more frontliners might be more comfortable ways to create a wall for squishes, gonna try that out..maybe 2 fighter a paly and barb btw, i used wood elf for extra acc but seems it doesn't proc the way it should for Distant Advantage..or am i playing it wrong?? my stats: 15/6/19/13/18/7 Antil Field & Soul Shock..and more CC for next level prim acc at 28. with Distant Advantage it should be at least 33..currently using warbow https://imgur.com/nZaJxve
  11. aaaah i see now... how about this: Cipher range = MC balancing between damage and CC 2x Fighter = Custom dedicated tank with just enough pow to get proper attention 1 Barb = Custom DD (never used bard, so need to figure out how to play with ti) 1 Priest range = Custom (heals/buff/debuff) 1 Ranger range = Custom more DD with wolf pet was thinking about getting wizard for nuker, but i'm still confused on who to properly played it. since grimoire only replenish after rests, and with no supplies left i might need to go back to the in.
  12. currently using MC cipher ranged with eder, custom paladin, aloth and durance...somehow mobs keeps drooling over my cipher and aloth eventhough eder already using Defender. nevermind the one that's not currently engaged with eder, two of them that is currently engaged keeps pounding my cipher..my cipher was at least 5-6m away hahaha wonder where i did wrong with aggro management recently i was plagued with mobs that are engaged with fighter with Defender activated
  13. been thinking...if i create ranged with: DEX - maxed INT - maxed PER - even with MIG MIG - even with PER CON & RES - min i will surely miss quite a lot in early level yes? if so, should i go for a slow/very slow ranged weapon or average/fast will prevail in a prolonged battle??
  14. again...thanks for your shares good sir will try to experiment further on!! :D
  15. yeaap...learned it the hard way haven't got to that level yet, i'm still trying to re-creating cipher MC to my liking hehehe but from its description EE can be handy when there's a mobs were clustering tanks and melee..what's the base duration for the skill?? There are minor pros here and there.For example melee dd has easier time in using detonate and antipathetic field. On the other hand ranged dd can quite often kill an enemy even before they have engaged; plus has higher DEX (as can get away with lower CON and RES) and feels a bit more responsive. But the main reason I will go for a melee-cc is that a few cipher powers (specifically WoT, Eyestrike, Mental Binding) have unusually short recovery duration (at the cost of longer cast duration), and thus a in-plate cipher can cast them almost as fast as a naked one. Plus such cipher doesnt need maxed might. The difference in 0.3 damage coefficient might be big when base damage coef is 1.0, but with superb weapon, 2handed style, soul and bitting whip this cipher would generate just 10-15% less focus at 10 MIG than he would if he had same stats but 20 MIG. So these points could be put in DEX; and focus gain improved via faster attacking; also it would make easier cc'ing enemies that already started casting and cc'ing them before their spell fires. iirc, estoc is two-handed weapon? would it be appropriate for melee cipher prioritize PER/INT/MIG or PER/MIG/INT ?? i thought maybe with above average damage output from estoc we can play around with WOT, Eyestrike and Mental Binding) to keep mobs in checked without having to worry about Focus...how am i doing??
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