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Everything posted by Idward

  1. I am running into issues trying to play PoE 2 and it just keeps randomly freezes up on me. At first, I thought it was a graphical issue so I tried changing it from windowed mode to just fullscreen. But I still had issues. I then tried lowering the graphics dropping it from high to medium then down to low an finally I tried disabling everything that I could think of and I still suffer random freezes, especially during combat. This is running on GOG and I have run the verify option on the files. What information is needed to help resolve this issue?
  2. I have some crash dumps but it doesn't give me an address to mail to. Do I just upload them here? Do I e-mail them somewhere?
  3. Well yes, that is true. I am not asking for a complete import. What I want is for it to auto select your race, subrace, class, subclass (if available), and portraits for you.
  4. When I started a new game of Deadfire I wanted to contine on with the character I made in PoE 1. The same race, background, and class. Can there be an option that lets you import and adjust the stats instead of going back to PoE 1, taking a screen shot of the character's relivent info, then manually re-creating the character in PoE 2?
  5. I am also having this problem but my last save was way back at the dig site and I don't feel like redoing everything I have done just for this one quest.
  6. I am trying to link my account from my tablet (old device) to steam (new) but it keeps giving me the error that the PFID is invalid and I am not sure what I am doing wrong. The tablet side is grayed out so I click "PC" on my tablet and "Enter a link code" on the PC but I am unable to link the devices. Does anyone have any advice on this problem?
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