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Everything posted by tobiasds

  1. I was really checking on the build progress and not on the bars that denote each item's completion progress. It really does look like a lot of progress has been made and even that they are (gasp! squeals with excitement) close to finishing...
  2. One can only hope. When I first bought this game, I was very much looking forward to it as I played the oringinal on X-Box several times. I was disappointed at missing out on some updates though as I never got X-Box live. So I purchased the PC version for KotOR 2. After seeing such disappointing reviews for it while looking for game patches after install, I never bothered to play it. I did the same thing with MOO 3. Why bother when it was so universally panned? I can only hope that they will put something out someday as I won't play until then.
  3. mod version 0.6b6 was finished on April 13, it is now 5 months later and site still shows 0.6b6 and was curious if any progress has been made. I periodically check the site and while I won't burst if they never complete it, I have rooted for them mightily. I have seen pretty steady progress over the past few years and this seems to be the longest gap with no update posted. Anyone???
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