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Posts posted by Cloud_The_Dark_Angel

  1. Yeah that's telling them.

    Yeah what can a multi-billion corporation possibly do against that?


    And heres something I forgot to mention. Think about this. Kotor 1 =2003

    Kotor 2 = 2004 And now we're saying that Kotor 3 = 2010???


    A few problems there. First off, theres no way it takes 6 years to make a game. Second, by the time we get to 2010, the generation that played Kotor 1 and 2 will be much older, some will be adults who dont have the time for these games. Now you've got a problem. Because now you bring out Kotor 3 and give it to a generation who has barely any knowledge of the first 2, its not gonna sell as well as to a Kotor hungery generation.


    So yeah, I'm thinking we're looking at a 2007 release. Early 2008 at latest. And you can quote me on that.

    actually development process can take quite a while if your rebuilding the game. Look at half life and half life two.


    The reason that K2 came out so quickly was twofold A) lucasarts want to capitalize on the success of Kotor 1 but Bioware had already moved to other projects and B) they used the EXACT SAME graphics engine meaning that about 60% of the harder stuff was done.


    Just a tip, Don't expect sequels to be out in a year in ANY consistant fashion.


    well i dont see any thing wrong with the first system of play although I personally like it. I dont know even if they are coming out with a Kotor III but none of the games these days are left to be not a trilogy. And also does anyone know the exact date that Kotor 3 will be coming out cause i think that it should at least have a trailer in E3 next year >.> if E3 still exists anymore. Also i think obsidan is working on mass effect so taht will turn up next year and That will be on 360 and from what i saw it looked rather good. So they probably already have a new system of graphics so it wont take long to convert it to a new platform cause they are technically working on it right now

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