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Weapon Master Michie

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Posts posted by Weapon Master Michie

  1. Ahh ha! I remembered.....Is it just me or is the council you assemble (vrook, kavar,zez ki el (whatever)) totally fuc.......screwed up...sure I uderstand that in the exile choice to cut himself from the force at the end of the mandlorians wars creates the echo sure I get it......But what is the great evil power that come from that, that these new sith have (?)


    Secondly especially! if you play LS pure styles that having allies and friends loyal to you how is that bad...They clearly state that its bad....??? anybody else get real pissed when they start dogging you out for trying to heal and clean up your mistakes honestly...Am I missing something?

  2. "But in the game both of KOTOR2 he was considered a girl." (someone show me where in canon Exile is female cause I can't find it)


    and since Atton refers to Revan as female I always as well assumed that in canon story Revan was female...But I've been informed in canon revan is male...so why the hell does atton assume she is female is my freaking question??? LOL

  3. Ok bare with me peeps...


    At the start when you meet Atton and have the convo about Revan whether Male or Female DS/LS now the confusion part is this...Does this convo determine these part of the game


    1: the holocron on Korriban of Bastila in the holocron she is sith...on my husband saw the holocron/ on his save and he said he choose Revan and female/DS


    2: The republic attack on the Ravager on my husband save its come anonymous black captain on mine its always Carth commanding the Sojourn


    3: I always see Carth and Bastila at the end on the attack the Ravager when Carth asks if the exile has met Revan on his journey...My husband on the his save where he saw Bastila on the holocron only spoke to Carth



    Can someone PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS...Truthfully I've only played K2 as LS but we are totally confused on these points :(

  4. Ok for the first time in numerous playthroughs I finally helped Geeda on NarShadaa set up more trading links (needless to say I'm a moron considering she gets crystals) But what the HELL is the downloadable HK thing you buy for her and down you have to install it before into HK before you finish rebuilding him? what is it for...I don't wna to replay it again so soon and its driving me NUTS :o

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