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Posts posted by Utena

  1. Is there any way, on the Xbox version, to see how much influence you have over people? I have a hard time keeping track of it, and alot of times, you'll lose and gain in the same convo, and I never know if I've net gained or lost.


    Atton, in the beginning, responds well to: NOT using jedi powers on him (no force persuade!), flattering him, explaining your actions, and killing innocents (on Telos -- it's not a problem, you'll easily make up the points.) If you kill the secretary in the Exchange office on Telos and kill the alien that's getting roughed up by some guards on Telos (in the Entertainment module) you'll get influence from him.


    Bao-Dur I'm at a loss for. I have yet to make him a jedi...I can never figure out how to influence him.


    I also know a glitch to get lots of influence with Kreia (no modding or anything, it's just part of the game) but I don't know if we're allowed to talk about things like that here, so...

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