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Posts posted by Gnomic

  1. Personally I always give it to the druid for its unique ability to restore shapeshift.


    My initial strategy with Druids was to back-line with GHS (after dropping some CC spells), and use Spiritshift if enemies go around my front-liners -- but then the "restoration" always triggers before I even Spirtshift once.


    What's the optimal way to use GHS on a Druid? Spiritshift almost immediately and then fall back, I guess?


    Or maybe Spiritshift and then cast while shifted? Is that useful at all?

  2. Girl Power Party:

    • Watcher
    • Pallegina
    • Sagani
    • Grieving Mother
    • Maneha
    • Devil of Caroc

    This all-girls group seems difficult. Not only are these all mid-to-late recruits, the team lacks "vancian" casters (unless you pick one type as the Watcher).


    How could this party work? Buy up 2-3 early NPCs right when you hit Gilded Vale, maybe, and then rush through Caed Nua to get access to Grieving Mother, Sagani, and Pallegina.


    What would be the best Watcher class for this party? Fire Priest, maybe?



    Sausage Party:

    • Watcher
    • Eder
    • Aloth
    • Durance
    • Hiravias
    • Kana? Zahua?


    The all-boys party looks a lot stronger, given that you can recruit one of each major "vancian" caster very quickly. The Watcher could be a Cipher to fill out the caster list, or ... anything, really.


    Which of the 6 male NPCs is it best to drop?


    What's the best Watcher class for the resulting party?

  3. 13 Tarprima. 3-rd level of Od Nua (with ogres), hidden stash near Zolla's (ogre matron) throne. You will easily find it.

    Ah, good call. That is an easy one to rest-scum.




    That wiki is no longer accurate as to random loot, so I don't know if it's accurate in other respects regarding 3.06.


    Thanks for linking, but it's not really an answer.

  4. Still not getting the blade. I'm 100% sure now this is a bug.


    If it helps anything, I delivered the quest while Dunstan was in the map room since the Crucible Knights had just been attacked by the Forge Arrmor Knights (or whatever they were called) and that might have broken the quest somehow, though I don't see how it'd matter, but adding the info just incase.

    Same issue for me, and same setup: I spoke to Dunstan in the map room instead of by his forge.

  5. So any more advice on Aloth Talent, I'm really hesitating on this one. I thought penetrating blast would be nice but seing there so many options I'm still unsure how to level him.

    There are a bunch of good choices.


    Look at your own play style -- how you use Aloth, or how much extra micro you want to do -- and pick a talent based on that.


    Penetrating Blast is a decent benefit for a low micro playstyle.

  6. I'm doing a Cypher with Greater Focus now, and it's actually been very useful. Especially at low levels, it's great to have the option to open a fight with Paralyze (instead of always opening with Blind or Prone-Cone).


    If you Paralyze a jerk right in front of your dual-melee character, I bet you can get your Focus up very swiftly.


    Can't speak for the late-game, but I'd guess that Greater Focus is about as valuable as you can make your alpha-strike power(s). If your party has long, protracted fights, then Greater Focus loses value.

  7. I'm playing through Defiance Bay right now, and I'm very disappointed with the content involving bitter squash (the Supply and Demand quest, etc.), especially with all the emphasis on moral choice and so forth in the CRPG world these days, Pillars of Eternity included. The player ought to be able to take a moral stand against the abortifacient. As it stands, it seems that the only options are to condone it, to quietly not do those quests, or to kill everybody involved. The player should at least be able to condemn it, and preferably be able to take action to cut the supply, get it outlawed, or so forth. With all of the choice to roleplay moral situations in various ways, the lack of choice here is really conspicuous. Moreover, with the prevalence of this as an actual moral issue in the modern world, it really seems like a huge oversight. I would really like to see some substantial options added here in a future patch.


    It's kind of hilarious to see an anti-choice opinion in a post titled "Lack of Choice".


    TBH, it's completely understandable for PoE to ignore some very modern and extremist "morality" grandstanding -- can you imagine the hypocrisy of a Watcher who wades through packs of Wicht abominations, trying to enforce the birth of more of the wretched things?


    What's the anti-choice battle cry in Dyrwood? "Carry them to term, for the sanctity of my XP farming!"

    • Like 1
  8. To me it would have to be the Darcozzi Paladini, just because a snarky but passionate knight is something new. Lore wise, I think it's really cool that the Darcozzi Paladinis can be pitted against each other depending on who they serve.


    Also shout out to Boeroer for creating the Counselor Ploi build, which is compatible with all orders (question though: if I'm planning on going Darcozzi, is it worth it to be an island Aumaua for the extra gun, without runner's wounding shot since it doesn't play well with high int?)


    I love the idea of Dracozzi Paladini, but the actual dialog options labelled [PASSIONATE] seem pretty awful so far.


    [CLEVER] options are usually okay.

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