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About Fledan

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  1. OK, so extending the BIB fundraiser beyond the 20th is definitely out of the question, got it. Repurposing the BIB PayPal into a kind of semi-official, off-site donation option for the remaining 6 days (21th-26th) of the official post-fig campaign probably wouldn't have attracted and prompted that many people to donate anyway, if you think about it - no offense. Good luck with the remainder of the fundraiser then, looks like you're going to make it in any case.
  2. My bad, sorry, should have made it clearer the first time. Seeing that the BIB fundraiser is scheduled to close up shop 6 days before Obsidian's (04/26 according to yesterdays update) I was just wondering if it could be repurposed as the requested general donation option Obsidian doesn't want to offer for whatever reason. Funds going in until the 20th would still be used exclusively for BIB-related content while everything being donated after the 20th up until the 26th would count as general donations and towards reaching the remaining stretch goals.
  3. Is there no way the BIB PayPal could be left open for as long the post-fig campaign is running? Which according to the latest fig-update ends in 21 days? So that people who were hoping for an official donation option could chip in for the 4.75M sea monsters and fishing goal and the 5M 8th companion goal?
  4. Haven't chipped in yet either (so who do I think I am to even suggest anything, right) but I thought that listing descriptions of the robbed individuals rather than specific names would be the better approach. Or maybe both depending on what each backer would prefer. In addition to listing the "confiscated" possessions I think it would be neat if one could also include a little note in regards to the robbed individual's fate. Maybe something along the lines of: <description OR specific lore-friendly name>; keelhauled and nailed to the stern, gulls did the rest - <taken possessions> <description OR specific lore-friendly name>; got away by opening a magical doorway of some sorts - <taken possessions> <description OR specific lore-friendly name>; bartered off for 9 barrels of Old Vailian port - <taken possessions>
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