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Posts posted by UserForFun

  1. Everything about this game is cheap and lazy. From the menu to the generic and barely audible music, to combat. Design is good though, nice art. Honestly, when I first saw the menu I thought it was a bug, then checked the gog for update and nada. Anyhow, anyone claims this to be the spiritual successor of Planescape Torment is fooling you.


    This is literally a fake-copy of it. Everything decent from it has been pasted over. The bar, even a character from it, the overarching plot, etc. I cringed more than one time at the absolute copy-paste content from it. The story is predictable, simple, and embarrassing, Skyrim-level. Characters are forgettable and uninspired. There are about 50 lines of voiced-acting. Planescape Torment, back in 1999 or w/e, had more voice-acting than this. Considering how much free money they got, just laughable.


    Follower interactions and comments? Once every blue moon. Questions to ask, characters? Generic, who are you, what are you doing. The writing itself? Walls of texts just for the sake of it. The writers didn't write for the gamers, or readers w/e u wanna call it, but for themselves. Unnecessarily details where is not needed, not enough details when needed.


    I figured out the plot when I finished a side-quest in the main-city, with the ghost chick. I actually deluded myself into thinking '' Nah, this isn't it. It has to be more complex '' Psst. Nope, what you see is what you get. An ape with a lobotomy can follow the story.


    All in all, I'm very disappointed, don't buy it. Maybe DLC or Expansion will patch it up, but... Who are we kidding. They just made a big bag of money over very little work. 


    '' Planescape Torment Successor '' Ahahahaa. Dream on.

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