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Posts posted by FIL97-4nAj-ycWe-PEPr-Ylc

  1. Hello,

    I'm joining the guys that complain...


    At time, Baldur's Gate using HDD was faster to load areas such as Tavern than Pillar of Eternity on SSD....

    That's abnormal and its break the game.


    And now there is a Pillar of Eternity II announced ... and I can only hope someone at Obsidian will have the guts to fix this issue in PoE II then backport it to PoE.


    Using Process Monitor, I've seen it was writing to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Obsidian Entertainment\Pillars of Eternity\CurrentGame\MobileObjects.save and it took 30 seconds.

    This other topics speak about stuff sold to merchant : http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/73986-chanter-rime-and-frost-traps-get-saved-causing-mobileobjectssave-to-grow-out-of-control/page-3


    And effectively, every time I beat an enemy I sold its stuff :o

    The game should improve by making random garbage items dispersal - that's what the economy is for :)

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