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About speederman

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  1. Agree the one story over 3 games would be difficult to sustain, but why do they always finish SW characters when you become powerful? If your character is really strong why not just give him an equally strong/powerful enemy. Malak to be fair, was a ****. He spent most of his time running from you and the final fight would have been over in a minute if he didn't have those dead Jedi to recharge himself. Why can't we just have an extremely powerful & smart Sith Lord, one who'd rank along the all-time greats. That way even starting as a powerful Knight you'd still have a long way to go to become powerful enough to defeat him & they can make game difficult by making the tasks harder, power-up items rarer or stronger enemires (the Dark Jedi on KOTOR were way to easy to kill considering they had a command of the force). After all, Revan is still only a knight at the end of KOTOR & it'd be nice to have a truly powerful Jedi for more than the final level.
  2. yeh wud hav bin nice, they always seem to stop the games once we becum knights. itd be cool to be a master, doin all kinds of fancy stuff with the force. and yeh itd b nice to c bastila again still reckon the new games gonna b ace tho!
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