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About Abelone

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. After I beat Zez-Kai Ell, learning his form and have a quick chat with Kreia about my new soul sucking technique, I'm given control of my character and the option to add party members, which I use because HKs frightens me. I make my way to the Ebon Hawk, through two, IIRC, waves of assassin droids. When I enter the ship, it's empty and I still have my party. I can't interact with the star map and HK's room door is sealed not interactive. I previously had to use the save editor to gain influence with the Exchange: one of my quests didn't register as finished. I tried to look up again but I found nothing relevant. Nar Shaddaa is my first planet. I have the restoration project on, but not Gizka's. Help would be very appreciated
  2. Anyone? perhaps there's some patch or something?
  3. Turned evrything I could to the minimum, didn't work
  4. I will try these actions, thanks.
  5. I did that at least twice, got the same result each time.
  6. Hallo. So far I've been enjoying KotOR II greatly until the mentioned above bug attacked me. This may contain spoilers about what I believe to be the climax of Nar Shada, but I'll try to keep them to the minimum. Anyways, you've been warned. My problam is thus, after the long chain of cutscenes (which are right after the Exile's encounter with the local exchange squid guy boss who's name I forgot) my game crushes. To be more specific: right after Kreia and Haanhar scene I see the Exile in a room the inplay menus are there though not working, the music is running and the mouse works, the rest doesn't. After a few moments I get windows error message. Then I get sad. Perhaps you'll find the info posted here useful http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=164000 Please help
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