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About y4747

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. similar situation here, nearly a year later: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/105659-stuck-in-thassilonian-sins/
  2. wow, looks like this has been around for a while... sigh.
  3. i am stuck in the thassilonian sins scenario - i have a confirm button (blueish arrow on the right) but nothing happens when i click it. playing on steam windows 10 64 bit PFID 39F934EBAD5E0CF6 permadeath off story mode party, in order: lini, amiri, seoni (ravenous crypts), sajan (abjurant halls), other locations closed. thassilonian sins, normal difficulty problem happened after defeating jordimandus with amiri in the abjurant halls - he was defeated and not reshuffled. i was sent to the map, clicked the ravenous crypts, amiri moved there, and got that location screen with the confirmation arrow. clicking on it does nothing. choosing other characters give no options.exiting and returning (main menu, store, closing and re-opening app) do not solve.
  4. i have the same problem, but running it on an android emulator on pc. is there a way to salvage anything at all, or do i need to start from scratch? if i delete the save, what happens to the characters?
  5. exact same issue here... PFID F8ED80231D550CF
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