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Everything posted by Yourrid

  1. Alright so im playing the game over again and im on Peragus now. Im at the end of the level and have gotten to the Ebon Hawk. As soon as i board the Hawk I have to get in the turret and defend the Ebon from tons of Sith right... Well as soon as i defeat them all (and dont let any get aboard) Atton says "alright lets get out of here". I get switched back to the turret where there are no sith, and it stays like this forever. I can shoot, hear music, everything, but i dont take off and i dont kill anyone else. or if i let a few sith on... I get switched from the turret view the actual 3rd person view, defeat the sith onboard, then i get switched back to the turret view, except i cant see anything. Just a black screen... anyone know what to do, im about to just start the game over again and replay the level... any advise would be much appreciated!
  2. Man this sucks!!!! oh well, im going to play it again and actually do everything there is to do instead of rushing to the horrible end From your last post, jediphile, it looks as though there are a bunch of updates that i can put onto kotor 2. I plan on replaying the game again but id like to add some patches or cool tools to try and stitch the game back together; how it should have been... what files would you all recomend I install to bring KOTOR 2 back to life? links for these files would be extremely appreciated...
  3. I tried it again... i got to listen to the future from Kreia... Is that the end of the game... i must admit i was expecting a something a little more dramatic or eventfull....
  4. Alright so im on Malacore V and I go into the big chamber where Keia is (at the end i guess)... and her and i fight. I defeat her and am about to finish her off (im going with the dark side) when three lightsabers appear and i start fighting them. I manage to kill them and then the final scene is with me and Kreia. I tell her that this graveyard is where you belong (or something like than)... and she lets out a moan as she dies... As soon as she hits the ground my game sends me back to the main menu. She dies, I go directly to the main menu with out it loading or saving... what is up with this???? Also, a lot of the times, between maps loading, my game will freeze and have to restart. It will get to about 60% or 98% and itll freeze, and send me an error message. Anyone have an idea about this?
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