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About grape

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Anyone have a favorite boss on here? mine is 3-3 Bladesaw babe
  2. Anyone have a favorite boss on here? mine is 3-3 Bladesaw babe
  3. Anyone have a favorite boss on here? mine is 3-3 Bladesaw babe
  4. The artist for this famous and tough cover ( http://www.mobygames.com/game/covers/gameC...232/gameId,6239 ) is Mick McGinty, creator of the US covers of the Street Fighter II series and more, who did make an interview, which you can find here: http://fightingstreet.com/folders/variousi..._Interview.html
  5. The artist for this tough cover is Mick McGinty, creator of the US covers of the Street Fighter II series and more, who did make an interview, which you can find here: http://fightingstreet.com/folders/variousi..._Interview.html
  6. How old could be the girl? If she is liquidated, suffer her boots the same fate? What are your opinions about that? Regards grape
  7. Hi, What statistics or chances would you give Takhisis in her female form, like you can see it on the picture/cover, if it would come to a battle? female form: For your opinions I would be very grateful. Regards Jan
  8. I have a big original poster from this cover, on which you can see the 3 thrashing opponents in a larger shape, so I must admit, that Chun Li has a little too much muscles on this cover,especially to see this on her both powerful legs. .She was a young Chinese girl at her first appearance in 1992, it seems the american artist didn't know exactly, how must to draw such an asian woman, perhaps he thought he must draw Chun Li in this tough style, to show that she can keep up with her male counterparts, but this style let she appears herself too masculine, that is not very realistic, she must be much more female. What you are thinking about it? Here is a scan from the poster, which is showing the painting from this cover. I must take it down from the wall to make a scan. The poster was hanging there for about 10 years already. http://www.bilder-hochladen.net/files/ova-2.jpg
  9. Hello, Can anybody still remember on this cover, which is showing the amazing painting with the tough battle between Chun Li, Blanka and Ryu? If yes, what are your opinions about that? cover ---> http://www.mobygames.com/game/covers/gameC...32/gameId,6239/ Regards Jan
  10. Hello, Can anybody still remember on this cult cover, which is showing the amazing painting with the tough battle between Chun Li, Blanka and Ryu? If yes, what are your opinions about that cover? cover ---> http://www.mobygames.com/game/covers/gameC...32/gameId,6239/ In the attachment there you can find the poster, which is showing the painting from this cover. I must take it down from the wall to make a scan. The poster was hanging there for about 12 years already. Regards Jan
  11. Hello, I have problems to liquidate the young woman in latex boots on the Statue of Liberty in stage 3-3 from the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive game Shadow Dancer. She is not a breeze, she is a strong and hard to beat enemy. Could anybody give me tips for eliminate the girl? I would be very grateful for every help. PS: In the attachment you can see a screenshot from the girl. Regards Jan
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