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About yh3603

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  1. Hmm, might be something wrong with your installation, actually. I just tried them for a bit with Sagani, but they worked fine for me. Takedown is basically like the Knockdown fighter ability (there is no actual rushing involved by the way, it just knocks the target Prone). Master's call essentially teleports the animal companion from wherever it is to the Ranger's side, dealing damage and knocking Prone any enemy in the direct path from original position to new position. And indeed, Play Dead should affect the animal companion (and did, when I tried). Thank you for your help! I will check my installation.
  2. Hello. I'm a Korean user, so I'm not good at English. It seems that there are a few bug about Ranger(Not Sagani, One I created.) 1. Takedown My animal companion doesn't rush to the target. No motions in animal companion. 2. Play dead. Instead of animal, my 'ranger' do play dead. 3. Master's Call. It doesn't have animal's motion, too. Unlike the description, the animal doesn't come back to my ranger. Actually I don't know it's a bug, because I don't fully understand 'Master's Call'. Why does skill have to designate a target? Pillars of Eternity is one of my favorite games, so I look forward to playing 'Tyranny' soon. I wonder if you fully understand my reply, but thank you for making good games.
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