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About N1C1

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Hi guys, after having received really good answers on my question regarding the strongest classes in the current patch, i am looking for some good guides for druid, wizard and priest. I was already adviced some youtube guides for older patches, which i will watch during the weekend. do you have some good current guides and builds for me? thank you!
  2. hi guys, really interesting answers, thank you so much! since i prefer to be the main dmg dealer or tank i will go ahead with either wizard or druid, but i am already looking forward / hoping to get a priest as a mate in my team and i will also put a lot of focus on properly building the priest besides my main character. thanks again!
  3. thank you for your answers. I ll try paladin now and watch / read some guides. im looking forward to playing
  4. Hi guys, what are the most powerful classes in 3.03 in your oppinion? Like it was discussed here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/76011-lets-talk-class-balance/ Thank you!
  5. i saw it, thank you very much!
  6. Okay thanks, one more question: How can i find out on which patch I am? I didnt find anything.
  7. hey thanks for your quick supply. friend of mine played cipher when they were super strong but he also told me they were nerfed. for me it is most important that my own main character is very strong and not dependent on another character, so no glass cannon for me. i finished dragon age origins as rogue solo on nightmare and dragon age 2 as tank warrrior solo on nightmare. so i am looking for a character which is strong on its own. i will check cipher, paladin and priest. any more recommendations? thank you for your advice, i probably will chose a hard difficulty. is the game playable and the hardest difficulty in a way that its still fun and you dont die all the time?
  8. Hi there, im new here and i want to start POE soon... i bought the game after release but didnt find the time to play it yet. Before I start I have a couple of questions, I hope you can give me some answers 1. what is the most recent patch? 3.0? and where can I download it? I only found DL locations for 2.X... or do I get it automatically? 2. can you link me some recent guides which will help me to build a strong character? 3. what are the strongest classes right now? 4. can I reskill my characters? 5. Are there cheats, in case I miss an important item or have to reskill 6. Are there mods or something like that which are recommendable? 7. do you have further advice for me what I should consider as newbie before starting? Okay, thats it so far. I hope you ll help me to get ready to play, thanks! =)
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