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Posts posted by TimoK

  1. If its one class I definitely miss from my first playthough its the Druid, so far it seems like the strongest class in the game to me. However, Druid doesnt seem to mesh well with 2 rogues. Switching out 1 Rogue is an option I've thought about, but I prefer to try 2 for now (1 dual wield, the other can be ranged/melee).


    If I were to switch out a Rogue, I would probably go: 


    Paladin/2nd tank/Dmg mage/Druid/dw Rogue/Priest, im not liking the Ranger that much.

  2. I paused my first playthrough of the game with 4 damage dealers after I noticed the damage output of a dual wielding rogue (team of level 11-12).


    Now nearing the end of act 2 of my second playthrough (hard mode) running a full custom team with this comp:


    Paladin (main tank)

    Chanter (off-tank)

    Priest (buff/fire damage)

    Wizard (pure support)

    Rogue (dual wield sabres)

    Rogue (tall grass pike)


    But its feeling suboptimal in certain situations. Especially when its tight hallways or when there are too many enemies for the two tanks to handle. And if I mess up and lose a rogue, with only 2 members dealing damage, it can quite often be enough for the fight to end. So, that leaves me with a few questions:


    What are "proven" comps that work well with one or more rogues?

    What is the best way to keep the attention away from my rogues? Or more specifically, how do I start the fight with my tank for easy engages later?

    Do I stealth my way to the backline when possible or just use a ranged weapon for the first free sneak attack?

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