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About Kantharr

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. I downloaded Blue Stacks and I was able to login successfully with my account. When I get my phone I will try logging in again on there to see if it works. I still do not know which Google Play app I need to reset in order to see if it works on my phone. Is it Google Play Games, Google Play Store, or Google Play Services?
  2. Do you mean the Google Play Store, Google Play Services, or Google Play Game? Sorry for double posting. I didn't realize I posted the 1st one because of the post approval thing.
  3. I see Google Play Games, Google Play Store, and Google Play Services. I'm guessing it's the Google Play Games app?
  4. You saying that for my phone I will have to do a factory reset in order for it to work again?
  5. Hey guys, For a couple of weeks now I have been unable to login as my main account (captainpegleg.odom@gmail.com) but I'm able to login as my new account (sk0rmav073@gmail.com). It have been pretty annoying since since I bought the daily gold a few days before the incident started and I have already missed out on a lot of gold. Here are the specifics for the issue: What device type are you on? Android What version of the OS are you running? Android 6.0.1 What model is the device? Samsung Galaxy S5 Login Issues When you launch the game, does the welcome popup appear for Game Center/ Google Play Games? Yes the popular appears but when I try logging in as captainpegleg.odom@gmail.com it shows my level but it quickly disappeared and the game does not show that I logged in. On the main screen, what is the text displayed in the blue box at the top? Link Social Gaming Network
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