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Everything posted by ChaoSpectre

  1. This seems related to the issue I experienced today. I've been mainlining quests and had leveled up a set of default characters to level 19 and had gotten up to ~9100 gold. I can't independently verify this, but I've been saving up for the 10kg character bundle. Just now after getting back into the app, it loaded me directly into a quest even though I thought I had left off having completed a quest and having registered the completion and gains of gold and xp. Then I noticed that the deck composition of the characters was not as I had left it. I finished the quest and the gold total registered as 8900. Odd. Then I checked the party stats, as I was concerned about the changes deck composition, and the characters were back at level 15. I seem to have been rolled back in odd ways, only a bit with respect to gold, but several days worth of progress in terms of character loadout and xp. If necessary, my PFID is B83C9C6CDCEF0958
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