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Posts posted by Xizor_Vader

  1. Ok, ok, I was wrong in quoting something from the old SW films. Try finding something intelligent in the pre ep 4 films... you can't. Seems like KOTOR took over with the quotable quotes department of the SW universe.


    And about Kreia: No one said I didn't like her views. I actually find them much more practical and down to earth then the spiritual rantings of yoda.

  2. Famous Yoda quote, appears over and over, and was even quoted by my english teacher:


    "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."


    Arguably the most "profound" sentence in all of Star Wars, but Kreia would basically say that's all donkey plop:


    "There is no great revelation, no great secret. There is only you."


    So what is up with that? KOTOR 2 bashes the beloved jedi image over and over again. The jedi are just a bunch of out-of-touch, "arrogant" whimps. Kreia just makes Yoda look like a big old fuddy-duddy.


    I first noticed this contradiction to the image of the jedi in the first KOTOR. If talk to Bindo a lot, he starts to tell you that jedi aren't always right, and that oftentimes they're just wrong and don't want to admit it. Then he told this cute little story about an old jedi master that was going blind and had too much pride to admit that his eyes were failing him.


    But KOTOR 2 takes it over the edge and then some. The jedi are obviously wrong about a lot of major things (ie wanted to detach the exile from the force even if it was obvious, at least for a LS player, that he would save the galaxy) and I was more then GLAD when they got shut up by Kreia.


    I almost feel like someone's making fun of Lucas's ideas of mysticism and the Force and all that. As many of you agree, the KOTOR series seems to have that special Star Wars magic that the prequal movies unfortunately lacked. It might just be a coincidence, but it's almost like SOMEONE's trying to take a stab at Lucas for making those 3 horrible episodes.


    Any thoughts?

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