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Everything posted by Skozen

  1. I just tried deleting all my parties but when I hit the button to create a party, the app goes to a loading screen and then crashes after a few seconds. Every time. Total I have all the characters unlocked and 12 experienced story characters
  2. Just an update, this bug is still completely preventing me from playing and has not been fixed. Reinstalled today to see if that would help. No change.
  3. Also, my quest party appears bugged. After every quest I do my monk gets a card feat and my sorcerer and cleric each get 2 card feats (tier 1 and 2 bonuses). They're all level 20. I did 3 quests and got 6 card feats unlocked for the sorcerer and cleric. Also the hardest difficulty awarded no gold but heroic did.
  4. Now all parties crash when I try to load them Can't even create a new party, story mode is completely broken due to being effectively inaccessible
  5. So this bug was fixed: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/90170-sins-of-the-saviors-thassilonian-sins-scenario-can-not-complete/?p=1860756 And I completed the scenario and reassembled decks, but when trying to load back into the mission map (or trying to load scenario 6) the app crashed. Now whenever I try to load that party or continue with them the app crashes. Other parties I can get to the map but they crash when I go to party management. This is, I believe, the fourth progression breaking bug for this party, and they've all been fixed so far. This is my original party and I'd love to see them through the end. What device type are you on? iPad What version of the OS are you running? 10.1.1 What model is the device? Normal iPad? What is your PFID#? 786f2a069e36b44f Is pass & play on? No Is permadeath on? No Tutorial, Story Mode, or Quest Mode? Story mode Characters in Party kyra, sajan, seoni Location of each character - all 3 in ravenous crypts of gluttony Turn Order sajan, seoni, kyra Scenario & Scenario Difficulty. 5-4, Normal What card was encountered when the issue occurred? Return to map, not a card. Did the issue occur on the first explore or a subsequent explore? If subsequent, what card did you last encounter? What was its resolution? Did other characters aid the check? What did they use to aid it? Was the encounter a Horde? No ​
  6. I just encountered this exact bug. Same final villain too. Same confirm action bug that does nothing. Made a separate post while you were posting this lol.
  7. So I killed the last of the three villains, which forced two characters to move but not the acting character, and now it's asking me to confirm some kind of unspecified action without giving me a way to do so. On restarting the game it gives me a blue confirm arrow to hit for the acting character but hitting it does nothing. Also jordimandus pops up when I click on "recharge" in the scenario special rules tab that currently says "thassilonian sins" Screen: http://m.imgur.com/estroBu What device type are you on? iPad What version of the OS are you running? 10.1.1 What model is the device? Normal iPad? What is your PFID#? 786f2a069e36b44f Is pass & play on? No Is permadeath on? No Tutorial, Story Mode, or Quest Mode? Story mode Characters in Party kyra, sajan, seoni Location of each character - all 3 in ravenous crypts of gluttony Turn Order sajan, seoni, kyra Scenario & Scenario Difficulty. 5-4, Normal What card was encountered when the issue occurred? just killed the transmuter villain as the final villain Did the issue occur on the first explore or a subsequent explore? If subsequent, what card did you last encounter? What was its resolution? First Did other characters aid the check? What did they use to aid it? I think some blessings, maybe an aid spell Was the encounter a Horde? No ​
  8. I beat here comes the flood fine on normal and on my second try heroic, but I'm not getting credit for beating the heroic version. Got my victory screen and 150 gold and filtered out the cards I got from the scenario but on the overmap it says I haven't done heroic.
  9. On heroic when you beat a henchman each character takes 1d4 force damage. However, the fourth time this happened to Kyra, the damage didn't seem to be properly assigned (it normally says to discard cards equal to the damage amount but no such message popped up.) When I go to discard cards or (as in the linked album) I try to bury an armor to mitigate the damage, I can drag those cards to the appropriate area but nothing happens after that. No option to continue, go back, anything. The below album is in reverse chronological order so you can see how the damage goes out but then nothing happens. http://imgur.com/a/3DnGD 4th and 3rd picture: 3 damage rolled 2nd picture: Message saying to discard 3 is missing 1st picture: armor buried, nothing happens after. Progression blocked. Not super pleased to be beta testing a release product I paid for. I really hope this isn't going to be the case for future adventure releases.
  10. Team helpful: Valeros, Harsk, and Lem. D4s for everyone! And if Lem goes to the same places as Valeros, Valeros covers for Lem's lack of combat potency, Lem makes Valeros good at everything, and Harsk provides ranged support. Fun and effective.
  11. After finishing 'local heroes' I was unable to claim my rewards. That party is completely locked at that screen now, and while I can move the currently selected party member aura around by tapping characters I can't actually do anything useful. http://imgur.com/asPY5uz
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