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About CrazyDrago

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Thanks all for the info. I did not realize when I bought it that I had to log in every day. I don't play a lot of free to play games so was unaware that this is normal. I just figured that you got 30 days of gold, regardless of whether you launched the game. Now I know. And knowing is half the battle!
  2. No worries. I appreciate any help I can get. I really want to play the game, but I can't
  3. I don't know what this means. I'm talking about the 30 days of gold purchased in the Store. if you go to the Store, tap on Gold at the bottom, the first option is 30 days old gold. What I'm saying is that if you miss a day, you don't get that gold. But I have no incentive to log in every day because I can't play the game.
  4. As you can see in "pic 3" above, there's no columns in "Story" mode. Just one thing laid over top of another. Clicking the "X" does nothing. Clicking the "play" button at the bottom locks up the game.
  5. I bought the 30 days of gold option. Since my game is stuck in a state of limbo, I haven't been logging on every day to receive my gold, since there's nothing else for me to do. Do I really need to log in every day and click the button? I missed a day but still only got 200 gold (I should have received 400 for two days?) Since the game has been broken for me, I've only received two days worth of gold, so I've missed something like four days worth now?
  6. I've had this problem since launch day on my iPad Pro 9.7. Here's where I'm at: I finished the tutorial and stopped for a while. When I came back, at the main menu, I selected "Continue." I got the message welcoming me to the World Map and telling me that I start with the scenario "Brigandism!" I click the blue arrow on the right side of the screen and watch a bunch of intro stuff. When that's all done, I'm at the location map and it says "Drag each character to a starting location." (see pic 1: http://imgur.com/ivRjAFj) Note the very top right of the screen, you can see a character portrait almost off the screen. I can't really drag portraits from the top, but I can from the middle. Doing that looks like pic 2 (http://imgur.com/RHyY5Cb) Now I have 4 of the two characters at each location. Also, if this is intended, I can't start the scenario anyway. So going down this path leaves me stuck and unable to continue. If I instead select "Story" from the main menu, I get what looks like pic 3 (http://imgur.com/lWn3nVv) This is obviously just not right at all. Tapping the "X" does nothing. If I tap the blue arrow icon at the bottom, the game locks up, preventing any further button taps except the "Back"button. However, once I'm back at the main menu, no other button taps are registered. The game is completely locked up at this point and the only fix is to force quit the app and restart. That puts me back to square one, where I can select Continue or Story. Since I've not moved forward in the story at all, "Quest" is unavailable to me. I love this game and always intended on buying the season pass. I did so thinking that maybe I needed more characters to proceed. Buying the season pass did not help, apparently. Please help. I am now into this game for $25 and have only been able to play the tutorial :|
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