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Posts posted by Rispido

  1. Thanks Blunderboss. I've tried PoTD but you have to go Min/Max whit my characters and I don't feel good with, for example, 3 points on Resolution just to Max Might... You know pen&paper RPG obsession  :) That doesn't mean I don't build characters, but 10 is my lowest skill level.


    Playing hard that way has been working for me, just wondering how WM will impact to the game.


    Thanks again.

  2. Like everyone else around here I'm a big fan of this kind of games and I'm enjoying (at last) my experience with PoE. I'm so happy with the game that today I've decided to buy the two DLCs and start again PoE so I can play all the story from A to Z with a new character, with all the improvements added whit the White March.


    But I'm no newbie to this thing (DLCs) and I've seen before ruined games because of "level boost" due to an early play of a sidestory (White March here). Mainly because, I don't really know if this will happen in PoE, the original games are not adapted to that kind of impact so they become easy and dull even on Hard. At least the great idea of no-combat-xp (seriously) makes me think that an "icewind dale oriented" sidestory will not harm my later experiencie... But I could be wrong.


    So, any thoughts? How do I have to play the game to keep de challenge up? When (lvl) do I have to start the WM Part 1 and 2? Thanks guys.


    (I play on Hard, btw)

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