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Everything posted by Snaptic

  1. Hey, don't remember that, but that would explain it. Thanks for the help!
  2. Validated my files and restarted the client, it still says 0 out of 48 Achievements. Here's a screenshot of it (sorry for the link, wasn't sure how to directly attach it): https://www.dropbox.com/s/vqevyviqtd16ipe/PillarsAchievements.png?dl=0
  3. Tried restarting the client with no luck. Here's a link to my most recent save: https://www.dropbox.com/s/64mh0rovb070kes/f18e9ee5ba8142e68ecdf70ea25de00c%2014208558%20OndrasGift.savegame?dl=0 Thanks!
  4. Haven't used Console Commands at all in Pillars so that's not it.
  5. Hi there, Recently picked up Pillars of Eternity again after not playing for a while, and noticed I haven't received a single Steam achievement regardless of meeting the criteria for multiple of them. Is there a way to fix this? Steam seems to be tracking play time and all that properly, just no achievements. Thanks, Snaptic
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