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About fastkarate

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  1. I think there's some punctuation missing! I did a double take too, but I think the sentence is supposed to read. "This is a feature we intend to include. It will likely be a later update, for the reasons Borissimo sighted above. It is not our highest priority at the moment." I hadn't thought about the extra difficulty stuff because I hadn't seen any of it yet. In my eyes, yeah, that makes it a much higher priority, beyond "I don't want this potion," or Seoni going like "Kyra, I just banished a spell, mind passing on that Inflict so I can grab a Toxic Cloud at the end of the scenario?" and into some seriously potent rage. :D
  2. Yeah, that's how I feel about it too. I love the satisfaction of closing a location and banishing a buck of super-annoying monsters you didn't want to deal with, and I even love closing a location early in an AP and turning over a new super-good boon and being like "wow?? that EXISTS?" So just another voice for "let me see what I'm banishing!"
  3. Not so! This has always been the case, but I don't think it was clarified officially (in the rulebook) until Skull and Shackles. Currently, the Wrath rulebook (page reads "When you explore, flip over the top card of your current location deck. If it's a boon, you may attempt to acquire it; if you don't attempt that, banish it." Like Deekow says, passing on acquiring a boon is not FAILING to acquire the boon. So deciding not to acquire a Burglar (and who would, they're awful!) wouldn't proc its punishment for failing to acquire it--or at least, I believe that's the case. Cards that penalize you for failing to acquire them are pretty rare, so the subject isn't fresh in my mind on what's legal and what's not.
  4. Is there a way to pass on acquiring boons? I'm not sure if I'm missing it in the UI or if it's not an option. In the card game, rolling to acquire boons is optional (I don't want all those potions clogging my deck!)
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