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About Snick

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. Hi. The topic says it all, more or less. This may not seem like a big issue when playing with a full party, but for solo play one has to rely on making the enemies do the dirty work. However, it seems that if your main character is not directly attacking someone (AoE effects do not seem to count either) the combat will reset after a brief period of time, canceling all buffs and / or effects. It's really frustrating to have Whisper of Treason charm an ogre druid for 15 seconds, and have it reset after 5 seconds because you were casting buffs in the background. /rant
  2. Hi Aarik. I did verify the cache and there were no issues. So far I've only gotten this crash once, but I still thought you guys might want to take a look.
  3. Hello. Got a game crash in Lle a Rhemen. Dump files below. https://www.dropbox.com/s/bxgj82geki8ykgs/2016-03-21_143758.zip?dl=0
  4. Hey aartz. Didn't realize you guys have open betas. The issue indeed seems to be solved. Thanks.
  5. Hello everyone. I've been encountering a rather annoying issue recently. Ocassionally the paralyze status will become permanent (no expire time). My character can still move, but no other action is possible. I'm fairly certain that this is related to Fenwalkers (-3 duration of stuck / hobled / paralyzed) and graze effect (i.e. duration being already shorter than 3 seconds and being reduced by 3 going into negative value). Save can be found here https://www.dropbox.com/s/swbzw0u2ggf64i1/2fef53578a7a4065a591501ad74e226e%2011553746%20EndlessPathsofOdNuaLevel2.savegame?dl=0
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